When you purchase your travel accident insurance, you’re likely to have several options regarding the amount of coverage, what specific health benefits, and a form of trip insurance (in the event your trip is cancelled or your luggage is lost, you’re covered).
It may be time consuming to search, compare and choose the best travel and medical insurance types and prices to suit your needs and budget but it is well worth it for your peace of mind. Many travel agents are not fully knowledgeable when it comes to understanding the details of various travel accident insurance policies and may overlook something that could be important to you or your family and few offer suggestions.
An excellent source of information is the internet with numerous sites that will give comparisons of insurance policies and of course all you have to do is source the policy that best suits your needs.
It is not uncommon for your existing health insurance to make provision for some medical expenses when you are out of the country but travel accident insurance can provide a complete service (depending on the options you included) up to and including an emergency air ambulance etc. The items covered in your travel accident insurance should not just be about medical problems but also other inconvenient situations such as lost or stolen luggage plus cancelled or delayed flights all of which need to be reimbursed.
Always ensure that a comprehensive travel accident insurance policy is exactly that and covers every situation, even where baggage is delayed and necessary items need to be replaced as well as 24hr medical assistance. To ensure complete coverage is part of your travel medical insurance, it is a good idea to check whether overnight hospital benefits are included, usually 0 per night, whenever the trip is outside Canada or the USA.
Unfortunately, it is sometimes necessary to make an insurance claim owing to an incident on vacation and it is important to contact the travel accident insurance firm at the earliest opportunity. When you return from your vacation, you will need to collect all your receipts, proof of ownership (where necessary) and any other relevant information collected from the Police or medical establishments and forward them all to the trip travel insurance company claims department to assist in an early settlement.
Although you may feel that your travel insurance company may not be that helpful, that is not the case and they will do everything they can to help the situation if you let them know what is happening and do not forget that they will more likely have previous experience with the problem. Choosing your travel accident insurance may at first seem a trivial matter but you can guarantee if anything untoward is going to happen, it will happen when you are on vacation in another country and where you will need comprehensive cover the most
source: http://themoneytipsreview.co.uk/the-benefit-of-securing-travel-accident-insurance/
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