Friday, September 18, 2009

How to Protect Your Savings & Assets When Traveling

We have been looking at it “all” wrong. Travel Insurance is about protecting our vacation as well as our personal investments. Sure its just another way for 'them' to get our money, however, lets look at what can happen when we don't protect our investments. Important Information for Worldwide Travelers;

Travel Insurance is the last thing many of us think about before a vacation. You feel relief once the trip is paid for. Then you have to start saving the “spending money.” By the time, you decide where to go, when to go, where to stay, which flight or cruise to take, you just don’t remember “travel insurance” and this could be a huge mistake for all of us.

We invest in a trip to far away places, we carefully purchase new clothes, sun glasses, new luggage, new underwear, and other accessories only to leave ourselves wide open for disaster and lost of money if any of the following events were to occur: Tour company operator decides that she needs a tummy tuck, at your expense, or the tour company disappears, or the Airline goes bankrupt or on strike, or the hurricane of the century, named after your ex-wife, makes a left turn and heads straight for your travel destination, or a part of California falls into the ocean due to an earthquake and this action upsets the rest of the oceans in the world, civil unrest in the Middle East when they find out Hilary might be President, extreme flight delays, illness during the vacation because you drank the water, and the BIG one, terrorist attack, not to mention if you loose your passport, or worst, the ocean rises up and claims the beach front where you are staying.

All jokes aside, you can purchase travel insurance for protection against trip cancellation, trip interruption, missed connections, airline ticket coverage, medical expense, emergency medical transportation, baggage, baggage delay, accidental death and have 24 hour travel assistance service available to you from any where in the world.

The "Real" Reasons to purchase Travel Insurance

OK, enough of the negative. I'm sure you get the point. However, there is a more important reason to purchase Travel Insurance; It protects your assets back home if something were to happen during your trip.

Example: What about senior citizens who have waited their entire life to travel only to find out that Medicare will NOT cover anyone outside the United States! Can you image spending a sizable amount of your retirement income to pay medical bills in a foreign country? There are Major Medical Polices for travelers (including seniors) who are going abroad for at least 6 months and require more permanent insurance. These plans provide comprehensive medical protection including emergency medical treatment, wellness care and optional prescription drug coverage.

Example: People who had travel insurance had an entirely different experience when Emily (Hurricane) hit the Mexican Yucatan in July of 2005. First, everyone called and went to the airport trying to catch a flight out. At some point, there were no more flights out, there were only buses moving thousands of tourist inland away from the storm. Those with Travel Insurance were not concern with "cost" (I am sure it was enough just to worry about your life) realizing that they would be reimbursed through their Policy. Those withoutInsurance needed to be concerned with the cost of accommodations and food until Emily got a better attitude. For sure, many of the tourist without travel insurance had to spend a portion of their upcoming monthly budget before making it back home safely. (I wonder what happen to those who had reached their limit on the credit cards)

Another example of the “real” reasons to purchase Travel Insurance, you are skiing in the Alps, you are dogging the moguls (or they are dogging you) and you slip in the turn. No real problem, but you have to be airlifted to the nearest hospital to have x-rays taken. The cost of the airlift? Who pays? You do, if you don’t have the proper (travel) medical insurance or accident insurance. (Will paying for a helicopter ride to a hospital upset your monthly budget back home?)

And what about the classic example? You leave your money pouch with your credit cards and your Travelers Checks in the cab on the way back to your hotel. It happens all the time. No insurance, No reimbursement.

Important Information:

Please note, this isEXTREMELY IMPORTANT: With the majority of the Travel Insurance companies, youMUST apply for the default,terrorism insurance and pre-existing insurance WITHIN 10 days of the initial booking of your trip. Bottom line, you can't wait until your destination is on the US State Department's Travel Warning List to purchase Insurance.

The less you have to worry about on vacations, the safer you will be. When traveling outside of the US, a good deal of your attention must be given to reviewing your surroundings. Always be aware of your surroundings.

Enough of the examples. If you protect yourself and your investment, you probably won’t need the Insurance Its’ almost like the Insurance Companies put an invisible “umbrella of protection” around us, just so they won’t have to pay or is that our prayers keeping us safe?


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Health Care Insurance For Self Employed

If you do decide to brave it and be your own boss, there are many places where you can cut corners. Letting yourself or your family go without health insurance isn't one of them. Here are some common options that can make health insurance affordable if you're a self-employed entrepreneur or crafter.

Coverage under a Spouse's Plan

By far the most common option is to cover the family for health insurance through a spouse's employer. As long as one member of the couple is working for a company that has a group health insurance plan, it's usually the cheapest option for insuring the entire family.


COBRA is an option for the beginning of your self-employment. For the first several months after you leave your job, your employer is required by law to give you the option of retaining membership in their health insurance plan. You will have to cover the entire monthly premium paid by your company rather than the amount that you're used to paying as an employee when your employer was covering part of the cost. The true cost of that insurance can come as a shock to you - a family health insurance through a group can easily cost close to $1000 a month. It's still more affordable than most plans that you can purchase as an individual. It's also only temporary, so you should be looking for other health insurance options while you're still covered.

A Health Insurance Cooperative with Other Self-employed and Small Business Owners

There are national and local organizations of self-employed workers who have banded together to combine their buying power and get affordable health insurance premiums through group policies. You can find more information about groups in your area through the National Association for the Self Employed ( or the American Association of Home-Based Businesses (

Group Health Insurance for the Self-Employed

In many states like Maine, health insurance companies offer affordable group policies for groups of one. You may have to shop around to find a company that does, but there are benefits other than being a cheaper policy. The most important of these is that they MUST cover everyone in the group, regardless of health conditions. This is important for someone who may have been turned down for an individual health insurance policy because of health.

No matter what, it is vital that you insure yourself and your family against the possibility of illness or accident. There are cheap alternatives to individual health insurance plans for the self-employed.

To view our recommended sources for health insurance, or to read more articles about health insurance, visit:Recommended Health Insurance Companies Online.

Carrie Reeder is the owner ofeZerk, an informational website with articles and the latest news about various topics.


Benefits Of Group Health Insurance

Group health insurance offers lots of advantages to both the employer and the employees. As far as an employer is concerned, the group health insurance scheme will provide enough medical treatment quickly for the staff of his company and thereby ensures speedy recovery from diseases and keeping disruption owing to illness in the office to some extend. The employee can also provide more focus on his/her job as there is no need to worry thinking about the time they want to wait for the treatment on the NHS, or suffering undue pain, or for a diagnosis.

Group health insurance plan offers several valuable benefits for an employee. The main advantage of becoming a member of the group health insurance scheme is that the insured doesn’t have to pay large premiums for taking a private health insurance plan. The employee can work without being worried of their health as he/she will surely get quality medical help immediately if needed.

There are several health insurance companies offering group health insurance schemes. Most of the health insurance companies, as part of their Group Health Insurance Plan, provide the insured (the employees of the company) to take a ‘health check’ once in every year at any private hospital with which the company has tie-up. The health checks will cover a complete check up, which include height, levels of fitness, weight, blood tests, blood pressure. The health checks are done so as to check whether the insured employee is in a good health or to find out a so far undiagnosed condition. What ever be the purpose, the health check is considered to be beneficial for the employee and the employer.

For those individuals who are not a member of the group health insurance scheme has to pay about $150 upwards to perform a complete health check. Hence this is considered as an added advantage for those who are in the group health insurance scheme. Group health insurance also helps to boost the morale of the staffs as they will know that their employer is providing special care about his employees.

Group health insurance schemes will differ from one insurance provider to another. The insurance coverage will also change according to the schemes you select. But there are certain factors which all the group health insurance schemes will cover for:

- In-patient and day-patient treatment

- Out patient treatments such as physiotherapy

- Free Help lines such as a GP Helpline and Stress Counseling Helpline.

- Specialist consultations after getting a referral from the employee’s GP

Group health insurance policy differs from one insurance company to another. It is always advisable to compare different insurance companies before selecting a group insurance policy. Select the one which suits your company.


Information About Health Insurance

Health insurance benefits are many. Health insurance is termed also as accident insurance, sickness insurance and medical insurance. Health insurance is purchased generally, with no assurance of renewability and if renewable no guarantee that premium rates will not increase.

Before getting the health insurance a person who wants to insure, may ask to fill a comprehensive medical history. In that they came to know about whether the person suffered from any disease or he/she has some bad habits such like that. Regarding that the person can claim for insurance with some restrictions.

In our scheduled commitments it’s very essential to maintain our healthcare in the day-to-day life. You can save money for health insurance by joining in an association that allows members to get together in a local chamber of commerce for the insurance. The money we spent for health insurance will be affordable like our day to day expenses.

Health insurance costs rising in all the time. Many people feel that they cannot afford for health insurance. Some feel they don’t need it, because they are healthy and fit. But it’s wrong. If you think that you need health insurance, there are lots of ways to get affordable health insurance for yourself and to your family. It is a protection against the health problems that could happen in the future. It’s a precaution. We have to go by the proverb ‘Prevention Is Better Than Cure’.

Health insurance can be classified into two classes- indemnity plans and managed care plans. The basic difference between the two is that while in indemnity plan the insured has the right to approach any doctor and get indemnified of all or a part of the medical expenses; in managed care plans, the insurance company will restrict the insured’s choice of doctors and hospitals. The insurance company has entered into an arrangement with select doctors and hospitals for the health care needs.

Each health insurance company has its own set of policies and procedures. If you have a large claim, you will want to review the rules especially carefully. Many claims are denied over a simple technicality. Knowing the process is likely to help you make sure your claim does not get denied.

Remember, insurance companies are hoping that you will not need medical services. That is how they make their money. If you don't use your insurance, the insurance company just gets to keep it. You will notice that the bigger the claim, the more paperwork you will need to fill out and the more red tape you will need to wade through.

If you receive medical services that should be covered by your insurance, make sure that the doctor or hospital files the appropriate forms. Make sure that you file any forms that you need to in a timely manner. If you have any questions, call the insurance company directly and find out the answer. Make notes of whom you speak to and when.

Health insurance really saves your money. In case, if you met with an accident or you suffer from severe attack. That time you may not in the position to spend that much of amount. But if you applied for a health insurance, it may saves your money otherwise you can claim for the amount that you had spent. In some cases they may not take into account about insurance that time you may spend your money and later you can claim for the amount you spend by providing proper documents and you can reimburse the amount you spend on it, if it’s reasonable according to the instructions.

Insurances can be manage by both lower and higher level peoples. Every state has a Medicaid program but the requirements vary from state to state. All you have to do is to fill out the application and submit the documentation about your finances. This program covers the insurance needs of the entire family including dental care, eye care, doctor visits, emergency care, prescriptions and more.

Another option for cheap health insurance is to look on the internet. There are lot of companies that offers different type of health insurance plans. It is possible to find out the perfect for your family. The costs vary from one to other, so it’s in your hand to verify about it and choose a better company among others. Any way health insurance safeguards your family from the expenses that you spend for your health.

Types of Insurance

Insurance companies offer a wide variety of accident health plans. Most feature flexible designs that allow you to choose coverage that meets your needs. Here are some of the most common types of benefits:

  • Accidental Injuries Benefits: Coverage for injuries and losses resulting from an accident.
  • Disability or Dismemberment Benefits: These benefits are paid for injuries resulting in a permanent disability, such as dismemberment, loss of hearing or eyesight, and paralyzing fractures.
  • Hospital Care Benefits: Coverage to help pay hospital bills and related expenses associated with a covered accident. Costs may include hospital confinement, emergency room treatment, and ambulance or transfer charges.
  • Accidental Death Benefits: These benefits will help your family (or beneficiary) carry on in the event of your death. In most cases, such benefits will only be paid if the death was accidental. Death from natural causes is typically not included in the coverage.

The coverage that comes with an accident health insurance policy varies widely. The best plans are those that can be customized to meet your individual needs.

Obtaining a Policy

Insurance companies offer different types of policies and prices vary widely. Before settling on a plan, it is important to shop around to get the best deal possible. Speak to your employer to find out if you receive discounts on supplemental policies purchased through your work benefits program. You may also want to speak with your regular insurance agent or broker. They may be able to offer you multi-policy discounts that will save you a great deal of money.

If you do not have any luck with those avenues, you may want to contact one of these companies. Each offers accident health policies:

  • AIG
  • Aflac
  • Allstate
  • Colonial Life
  • Conseco
  • Hoovers
  • Travel Guard

Who Should Have Accident Health Insurance

Almost everyone is a good candidate for accident insurance. Policies typically offer individual or family coverage. For those who do not have and cannot afford regular health insurance, accident health insurance is a low-cost alternative. It also makes a wise supplement for those who already have health insurance. As mentioned earlier, health insurance may not cover all of the expenses incurred from an accident or injury.

Many employers also encourage their employees to purchase accident health insurance. Workman’s comp benefits may only pay so much. An accident health insurance policy will protect you further, ensuring that you have the financial resources you need to support yourself and your family.

This type of coverage may also be valuable if you have a high-risk job or if you participate in high-risk activities and sports, such as skiing, bungee jumping, or sky diving. Make sure your policy does not exclude particular activities you enjoy.


Accident Health Insurance Basics

Accident health insurance is a type of insurance coverage that pays benefits for loss of income resulting from sickness, accidental injury, or accidental death. Most accident health insurance policies are riders on a basic health or life insurance policy, meaning they are added into a major policy, but this type of coverage can also be purchased singularly.

Purchasing an accident health insurance policy may be a wise investment. The coverage is typically inexpensive and can be very beneficial to you or your family should you be involved in an accident. The amount of benefits that you receive depends on the terms of your specific policy.

What It Covers

Simply put, accident health insurance covers accidents. Medical plans do not cover all, or even most of the expenses, that you may incur as a result of an accident. This is when supplemental insurance pays off. Most policies will cover additional expenses, such as:

  • Loss of income due to time off work
  • Uncovered medical expenses, deductibles, and/or co-pays
  • Non-medical costs, such as transportation expenses, living expenses, and domestic assistance

Accident insurance may also cover ambulance bills, hospital stays, and other similar expenses. In some cases, benefits are paid for the loss of a limb or death. And, unlike most accident or disability insurances offered through employers, this kind of coverage protects you even if you are injured outside of the workplace.


Glossary of Insurance Terms

Travel Assistance: Travel Assistance services may be bundled into an international medical insurance or trip protection plan, but these services are not considered insurance. The term travel assistance covers a broad range of services, often including but not limited to: toll-free multi-lingual 24-hour emergency telephone numbers, local offices around the world, web sites offering aid and advice to travelers in need of travel, medical or legal help, translation services, passport and visa assistance, assistance filling prescriptions, and virtually any special assistance useful to travelers in crisis who are far from home.

Some credit cards and international student identification cards and associations offer complimentary travel assistance benefits to their cardholders and members. However, keep in mind that although travel assistance services can provide instant help with a free phone call when needed most, not all services are free of charge once rendered. Many travel assistance services, such as legal counsel or translation services, are provided without question at the time of need, but with the clear understanding that the traveler will subsequently reimburse that service provider at a later date when the traveler is in a more convenient position to pay for the service(s) rendered.

Maximum Policy Coverage: This is the maximum amount of money that the insurance provider will pay for covered expenses. This may be an overall maximum or an amount for each accident or illness.

Deductible: (Also known as excess in UK, NZ, AU) This is the amount that the insured must pay before the insurance provider starts paying. This may be an annual amount, an amount for the duration of the policy, or an amount for each incident.

Co-Insurance or Co-pay: This is the percentage or amount of expenses that the insured pays (if any) after the deductible is paid. Example: "Co-Insurance = 20% or co-pay is 80/20" means that the insurance company pays 80% of the charges, the insured pays 20%. Often there is a maximum co-pay amount, i.e., a limit or ceiling above which the insurance provider pays 100%. Example: "Deductible = $250 and 80/20 co-pay up to $5000, then 100% up to policy maximum." This means the insured is required to pay the deductible of $250 plus 20% of expenses up to $5,000, and the insurance provider pays 100% of covered expenses that exceed $5000 up to the maximum policy coverage limit. Thus, if total expenses exceed $5000 (e.g. $20,000 in total medical expenses) then the insured pays $250 (deductible) plus the co-pay maximum of $1000 (20% of the first $5000) for a total out-of-pocket cost to the insured of $1250, and the insurer pays the remaining $18,750 of expenses. Where total expenses are only $3000, then the insured pays $250 (deductible) plus $550 co-pay (20% of the remaining $2750) for a total out of pocket cost of $800, and the insurer pays the remaining $2200 of expenses.

Expenses: These are the expenses an insurance provider will consider for payment. These normally include expenses for surgery, hospitalization, doctors' services, x-rays, laboratory tests, prescription drugs and other treatments, as well as travel expenses such as necessities in the event of travel delay, baggage delay or loss, and non-refundable travel pre-paid travel costs in the cases of trip interruption and/or cancellation. Some of these expenses may be limited by the insurance contract. See exclusions.

Exclusions: These are the expenses that the insurance company or travel protection provider will not pay. Examples include: expenses resulting from illegal drug use, pregnancy, conditions which existed prior to the purchase of the insurance (see pre-existing conditions), participation in various dangerous activities, participation in certain types of sports (see hazardous sports and activities coverage), expenses resulting from acts of war, riot, insurrection, etc. Most insurance contracts have many of these exclusions. It is important to read brochures carefully.

Premiums: This is the amount that you pay to purchase international medical insurance, AD&D insurance, or travel protection plans. Premiums may be paid in advance, on a per trip basis, annually, monthly, quarterly, or by semester, depending on the policy. Premiums for travel protection plans are usually paid in advance, either annually or on a per trip basis.

Emergency Reunion and Repatriation Benefits: Emergency reunion (also known as "visitor to bedside" ) means covering the expenses for having a family member transported to the injured or ill insured during a medical emergency. Lodging expenses are generally covered. The repatriation benefit pays the cost of preparing the body of a person who dies in a foreign country and returning the body to the deceased's home country. These benefits are often bundled together and included in international medical insurance and travel protection plans.

Insured: This is the person covered under an insurance policy, i.e., the person for whom the policy was purchased.

Pre-existing Conditions: Medical conditions associated with the insured (or a spouse, travel companion, or close relative in the case of travel protection plans where trip cancellation results from the medical condition of someone other than the insured ) that existed before the plan or policy took effect are pre-existing conditions.

Many plans and policies offer limited or no coverage for medical expenses or trip cancellation expenses resulting from pre-existing medical conditions. These are known as pre-existing conditions exclusions. Most plans specify a period of time prior to the effective date of the policy (known as the "look-back period") during which any manifestation of a pre-existing conditions would constitute exclusions. Example: Pre-existing conditions exclusions are limited to "three years prior to the effective date of the policy." This means any expenses that are incurred after the policy effective date that are resulting from medical conditions that were manifested or treated within the last three years would not be covered. However, the look-back period for travel protection plans vary from 180 to as few as 60 days. Often when purchasing single-trip travel protection plans pre-existing conditions exclusions may be waived if the plan is purchased within a certain number of days after the initial trip deposit is paid (often 7-14 days).

Hazardous Sports & Activities Coverage: Coverage for medical expenses and/or trip cancellation resulting from engaging in certain hazardous, high risk sports and activities such as scuba and sky diving, rock climbing and bungee jumping (to name a few), is often explicitly excluded by international medical insurance and travel protection plans; however, some plans offer special hazardous sports and activities coverage that is optional and usually results in a only a modest increase in premium. Always make sure you are aware of the exclusions noted in the plan or policy you're considering, and if you plan to participate in any high-risk activities, look for plans with optional, supplementary hazardous sports and activity coverage.

Single-Trip: Single-trip plans cover one trip, usually up to a maximum of 180 days.

Annual Multi-Trip: Annual multi-trip plans cover all trips taken within a year (often with a maximum duration of 15-180 days per trip).

Individual Plans: Individual plans are designed and priced to cover one person.

Family Plans: Family plans are designed to cover all members in a family traveling together, and premiums are usually priced at a discount compared to the rate for a single person. Some family plans include relations beyond the immediate family, such as grandparents and in-laws.

Primary Coverage: Primary coverage plans provide coverage without regard to any other insurance or coverage the plan holder may have.

Secondary Coverage: Secondary coverage plans require plan holders to have primary coverage, and the secondary coverage only covers those expenses not already covered by the primary coverage plan.

Benefits: The amount payable by the insurance provider to a claimant, assignee or beneficiary under each policy.

Beneficiary: The person or persons designated by the insured to receive the proceeds of an insurance policy upon the death of the insured.

Common Carrier: Any conveyance for transporting passengers is a common carrier, such as a bus, train, airplane, ferry, limousine or taxi. A rental car or private vehicle is not a common carrier.

Daily Indemnity for Hospitalization: a fixed sum calculated per-day that the insured receives to replace lost income for each day spent as a hospital inpatient.

Underwriting: The underwriting process evaluates the likelihood an insured event will occur, determines its likely cost, and whether or not the company should assume a particular risk (accept an applicant and offer coverage).

More and more about travel insurance

International Travel

When planning a trip abroad it is best to find out from your insurance agent or primary health care administrator (i.e., individual or group private medical insurance, HMO, PPO, ministry of health, etc.) whether you are covered for medical expenses incurred while traveling abroad. Many people are surprised to discover that their health care provider offers little or no protection or reimbursement for the costs of any type of medical treatment received in a foreign country. Where this is the case, purchasing adequate international travel insurance is a prudent option.

Student Travel

Students studying or traveling abroad should make sure they are aware of what insurance coverage their school or study abroad program provides, if any. Usually travel insurance is not included in a program's fees and is entirely the student's responsibility. When offered insurance always contact a few additional travel insurance providers on the Internet to compare rates and benefits, and call if you have questions. Students with health insurance coverage during the academic year are often not covered during the summer. Moreover, domestic health insurance designed for students will very rarely cover travel abroad.

Students 26 years old and younger can often find low-cost travel insurance because they are less prone to illness than older travelers, so students should ask about student rates, especially when traveling in a group of five or more when discounts can be substantial. International student ID cards often feature travel assistance services but be aware that this is not insurance and will not reimburse you for medical expenses or extra travel expenses due to delays, lost luggage, etc.

Group Travel Insurance

Group travel insurance may be available when at least 5 travelers (usually 10 or more) on the same itinerary apply for travel insurance coverage on one application. To ease the administration most group travel insurance plans are not age-rated which means the plans are the same price for all ages, and dates of birth are not required on the application. Purchasing group travel insurance can result in substantial savings in many cases, particularly for large groups (20 or more travelers), and especially for students and seniors.

Travel Supplier Bankruptcy/Default

Many trip protection plans cover lost travel expenses due to travel supplier bankruptcy and default (cessation) of services but there are substantial differences among plans. Some plans provide a list of travel suppliers that can be covered and exclude all others. Some plans require that you purchase the insurance within 7-14 days of paying the initial deposit for your trip. Many plans exclude coverage if the travel supplier that goes bankrupt or defaults is the same travel supplier that provided you with the travel protection plan. Customized "wholesale" plans provided by cruise lines and tour operators directly to travelers never cover bankruptcy or default of the cruise line or tour operator offering the plan.

Terrorism and War

After the tragedies of September 11th, 2001 many travel protection plans modified their wordings regarding terrorism. Many plans will cover trip costs in the event of trip cancellation due to terrorism, but wordings differ in important ways so read the clauses carefully and email or call and ask questions if you are confused. Some plans cover terrorism in the US some do not. Some plans cover terrorism near your home city some do not. Generally, if a plan covers trip cancellation due to terrorism you may be eligible for trip cancellation benefits if a terrorist attack occurs in the your destination country or city or a city or country on your itinerary so long as the attack occurred after you purchased the policy and within a specified number of days of your scheduled arrival (often 30 days). Be aware that how terrorism is defined in the policy is important and varies from policy to policy. Pay close attention to the words "City" and "Country" in terrorism clauses.

Coverage for acts of war as well as nuclear, chemical, and biological attacks is generally excluded from travel insurance plans, but individually underwritten high limit coverage is available (at a high cost) from specialty high-risk insurance underwriters such as Lloyd's of London, to cover medical expenses as well as accidental death & dismemberment, but not trip cancellation

More about travel insurance

Annual Medical Insurance is annually renewable international medical insurance with higher maximum policy coverage levels (up to US$5 million) and more comprehensive types of coverage (life insurance, higher limits of AD&D, and daily indemnity for hospitalization can be added to coverage for additional premiums). Coverage is appropriate for individual expatriates and their families, as well as employees working abroad, international organizations, missionaries, and others who want annually renewable major medical insurance to serve as their primary medical insurance. Coverage is available to all nationalities living outside their country of citizenship (or home country depending on the plan). Some plans will cover you in your home country as well as everywhere else in the world. Medical questions are asked and may result in applicant being subject to underwriting in which case a policy may or may not be issued depending on the judgment of the underwriter. Pre-existing conditions may be covered up to a maximum limit that is a fraction of the policy maximum.

Emergency Medical Evacuation protection covers the cost of a transporting a seriously injured or ill person to an adequate medical facility, a hospital near home, or the hospital of their choice, depending on the plan. This coverage is usually included with both international medical insurance and travel protection plans, but unlike baggage insurance and trip cancellation insurance, it is also sold separately. Emergency medical evacuations are always expensive and sufficient coverage is recommended, especially for long-distance trips.

International Major Medical Insurance is primary medical insurance intended to take the place of a domestic private health insurance policy or national health care system. International Major Medical Insurance plans typically feature:
  • Worldwide coverage
  • Option to renew the policy indefinitely
  • High lifetime policy maximum benefits (up to US$5 million)
  • Choice of deductible (also known as "excess")
  • Comprehensive coverage such as organ transplants, major surgery,
  • Optional Riders (for additional premium) such as life insurance, upgraded AD&D, and daily indemnity for hospitalization
  • Coverage for routine healthcare/wellness, prescription drugs, alternative medicines, mental/nervous care
  • Coverage for maternity, newborns, and child wellness
  • Limited coverage for pre-existing conditions
Some International Major Medical insurance plans will cover you in the United States and Canada as well as the rest of the world. Some plans exclude coverage in the United States and Canada. For some plans your country of citizenship determines eligibility for coverage in a certain country. For other plans the country where your primary residence is determines eligibility.

Some plans exclude pre-existing conditions until you have been insured with the plan for a certain period of time. Some plans cover pre-existing conditions if you are currently insured by a US health plan that provides "creditable coverage" or you have been continuously covered by comparable health insurance. Some plans exclude pre-existing conditions regardless. Some plans cover routine healthcare, also known as "wellness" benefits, and some plans offer vision and dental benefits.

International Life Insurance is usually sold as one-year renewable term life insurance that pays the beneficiary a lump sum upon the death of the insured during the period of coverage (12 months). Five, 10, and even 20 year international term life insurance may also be available in limited circumstances. International Life Insurance plans typically feature a simplified application process requiring the completion of a a detailed medical questionnaire but not requiring a blood test or physical exam. However, benefits are not payable if death is due to a pre-existing condition that manifested within prior five years. Death due to War and Terrorism is usually excluded but an Optional War & Terrorism Rider is often available for additional premium. In most cases coverage is available regardless of the insured's nationality and country of residence. US citizens residing in the US or Canada and citizens of Canada residing in the US or Canada are not eligible.

Key features of International Life Insurance are:
  • Worldwide coverage (rates are higher for high risk countries)
  • Option to renew the policy annually through age 64
  • High Maximum Benefits - up to US$1,000,000 or higher.

International Accident Insurance (also known as Accidental Death and Dismemberment or AD&D) is annually renewable insurance that pays a lump sum benefit to the insured's beneficiary in the event of the insured's death or loss of a body part or function due to accident (as opposed to sickness). AD&D is typically less expensive than life insurance and may be purchased in addition to a life insurance policy to substantially increase the benefit payable to the beneficiary if the insured dies as a result of an accident. An Accidental Permanent Total Disability (APTD) benefit may be available for additional premium. Death due to War or Terrorism is usually excluded but an Optional War & Terrorism Rider is often available for additional premium. Coverage for travel to war zones is available for journalists, contractors, and relief workers. Where travel to high risk countries and/or participation in extreme sports or hazardous activities is contemplated, premiums will be adjusted accordingly. In most cases coverage is available regardless of the insured's nationality and country of residence. US citizens residing in the US or Canada and citizens of Canada residing in the US or Canada are not eligible.

Key features of International Accident Insurance are:
  • Worldwide coverage (rates are higher for high risk countries)
  • Option to renew the policy annually through age 64
  • High Maximum Benefits - up to US$1,000,000 or higher.
  • source:

Understanding Travel Insurance

Swine Flu Outbreak
For most insurance companies, as of Friday, April 24th, 2009, the Swine Flu outbreak was considered a known event due to its widespread media attention. Any policies purchased on or after April 24th may not provide coverage for any claims related directly or indirectly to the outbreak of the flu in Mexico, or any other area, as this is considered a known event
Travel Protection vs Travel Medical
Most Travel Protection Plans will also include Travel Medical Insurance, Medical Evacuation, Trip Cancellation/Interruption, Travel Delay, and Baggage coverage. Travel Medical insurance plans generally just reimburse you for medical expenses incurred while traveling.
Why do I need travel insurance?
You can begin your trip without any travel insurance and be self insured. But did you know that if you become ill abroad the costs to treat you could be very high. How would you find a doctor? Where would you find appropriate healthcare facility? Where would you seek advice? Did you know that HMO's, PPO's and Medicare typically do not cover you abroad?
What's a Deductible?
(Also known as excess in UK, NZ, AU) This is the amount that the insured must pay before the travel insurance provider starts paying. This may be an annual amount, an amount for the duration of the policy, or an amount for each incident.
What if my travel supplier declares Bankruptcy?
Many travel insurance protection plans cover lost travel expenses due to travel supplier bankruptcy, but there are substantial differences among plans. Some travel insurance plans only cover a specified list of travel suppliers, others require that you purchase the insurance within 7-21 days of paying the initial trip deposit. Be sure to check plan details

Travel accident insurance news

Uncertainty is part of life, especially while traveling. You cannot envisage the uncertainties and risks you might undergo. If you are an avid traveler, you should be aware of the risks involved in long distance traveling. Accidents, illness, injury, natural calamities, terrorist attacks have become part of life, travel is no exemption. With suitable travel accident insurance you can reduce the financial burden during those odd situations
A travel accident insurance is similar to health and life coverage policies. These policies provide coverage for injuries or death that occurs due to an accident while traveling. However, the benefits covered under a travel an insurance policy vary from provider to provider based on the travel destination. In general, there are a variety of benefits that could be gained from a travel insurance policy. There are several types of coverage that are generally available:

Accidental Death (AD): Check whether your travel accident insurance plan includes the accidental death benefits. By this, the beneficiary could get the benefit if the insured person dies due to a qualified accident while traveling.

Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D): Similar to AD, this clause covers the full benefit upon the death of the insured person; it will also pay a fractional amount of the principal sum to the insured in case of an accidental dismemberment.

Sudden Cardiac Arrest: In addition to the benefits of AD&D, some travel accident insurance also covers sudden cardiac arrests that are caused while traveling. However, it requires clear medical records from your end.

Medical Evacuation: Imagine you are traveling to some remote place which doesn't have enough medical facilities. If you suddenly become sick or injured, a medical evacuation benefit allows you to be transported to a place where you will get immediate or appropriate medical care.

Repatriation of Remains: If suddenly the insured person dies overseas, while in travel, this benefit covers the expense of having their remains sent back to the home country.

Emergency Reunion: This benefit covers the expense of having a family member brought along on a medical evacuation for the sake of the insured.

Lost Baggage: While in travel, if you lose your checked baggage due to theft or misdirection, this benefit pays for a fixed amount towards replacement of the same.

Choosing travel accident insurances

  • Bundled Policy: Check whether your travel accident insurance comes with family travel benefits, global medical insurance and trip cancellation/interruption insurance.

  • Ensure whether your insurance plan covers accidental death in vehicles, flight crashes or loss organs in case of any calamity.

Apart from the above there are other things like deductibles, co-insurance, benefit period etc which need to be studied carefully before purchasing a travel accident insurance. There are many ways to buy insurance, though online purchase is most preferred due its low cost. This reduces your cost for the agent.

Remember, almost all insurance plans have an exclusive clause. Hence it becomes vital on your part to read the fine print before taking up any insurance. For instance, none of the insurance provides accidental coverage in case of drunken driving and driving under the influence of narcotic substances. As well, none of the insurance provides benefits for accidents during risky sports like bungee jumping, car racing, scuba diving, water rafting, skiing, bike racing and mountaineering while in your travel.


The Benefit Of Securing Travel Accident Insurance

You have to be honest, but how many people reading this article have taken a vacation and decided, to their detriment, that they did not require travel accident insurance ? By taking out travel accident insurance cover you can guarantee that no matter what happens you will be covered even for problems with baggage, personal belongings, travel delays and emergency return flights.

When you purchase your travel accident insurance, you’re likely to have several options regarding the amount of coverage, what specific health benefits, and a form of trip insurance (in the event your trip is cancelled or your luggage is lost, you’re covered).

It may be time consuming to search, compare and choose the best travel and medical insurance types and prices to suit your needs and budget but it is well worth it for your peace of mind. Many travel agents are not fully knowledgeable when it comes to understanding the details of various travel accident insurance policies and may overlook something that could be important to you or your family and few offer suggestions.

An excellent source of information is the internet with numerous sites that will give comparisons of insurance policies and of course all you have to do is source the policy that best suits your needs.

It is not uncommon for your existing health insurance to make provision for some medical expenses when you are out of the country but travel accident insurance can provide a complete service (depending on the options you included) up to and including an emergency air ambulance etc. The items covered in your travel accident insurance should not just be about medical problems but also other inconvenient situations such as lost or stolen luggage plus cancelled or delayed flights all of which need to be reimbursed.

Always ensure that a comprehensive travel accident insurance policy is exactly that and covers every situation, even where baggage is delayed and necessary items need to be replaced as well as 24hr medical assistance. To ensure complete coverage is part of your travel medical insurance, it is a good idea to check whether overnight hospital benefits are included, usually 0 per night, whenever the trip is outside Canada or the USA.

Unfortunately, it is sometimes necessary to make an insurance claim owing to an incident on vacation and it is important to contact the travel accident insurance firm at the earliest opportunity. When you return from your vacation, you will need to collect all your receipts, proof of ownership (where necessary) and any other relevant information collected from the Police or medical establishments and forward them all to the trip travel insurance company claims department to assist in an early settlement.

Although you may feel that your travel insurance company may not be that helpful, that is not the case and they will do everything they can to help the situation if you let them know what is happening and do not forget that they will more likely have previous experience with the problem. Choosing your travel accident insurance may at first seem a trivial matter but you can guarantee if anything untoward is going to happen, it will happen when you are on vacation in another country and where you will need comprehensive cover the most


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One of the only things that will assure a spoilt vacation is when you have decided to go without travel accident insurance and find you need to use the extensive cover it gives. More than just for unforeseen medical emergencies, travel accident cover can be used to protection an unexpected return trip, evacuation, personal belongings, lost or stolen baggage and even travel|journey delays. Check the options list carefully before you take out the policy because although some things you want covered may be extras plus there may be only low levels of cover with these.

Initially, a little background knowledge of what’s around in the market place to cover travel and medical insurance is going to be a worthwhile effort on your part especially to have the knowledge that you are covered for al contingencies. Your best advice about the travel insurance you intend to use may not come from your friendly travel agent as travel and medical protection is not really their area of expertise so you would be wise to search for this info elsewhere. In your search, don’t forget online consumer and comparison websites that do all the research for you, so all you have to do is choose the best policy for your needs.

Even if your present health protection will pay doctor and hospital bills when you’re out of the country, you may want to purchase a policy to get other essential benefits such as coverage for air ambulance transport and on-site medical disbursement payment. In general terms, travel indemnity protects all vacation costs against adverse events such as cancellation and interruption and also reimburses medical expenses, the loss or damage of property and transit delays including medical evacuation and emergency transportation. Always ensure that a extensive travel accident policy is exactly that and covers every situation, even where baggage is delayed and essential items need to be replaced as well as 24hr medical assistance. For people going outside the USA or Canada it is a good idea to make sure any medical protection covers benefits for overnight hospital stays, normally at least 100 bucks per night.

Should you be unfortunate enough to find it [necessary|you have] to lodge an insurance claim, it’s important the person involved informs the travel policy provider as soon as possible. Although you may have had contact with the indemnity claims department while you were away, do not forget that they will require all the required paperwork to support your claim once you have returned as this will help ensure it is settled quickly. By working with your medical protection provider, there is a good chance you can eliminate most of not all the possible risks and a better opportunity in walking out of that foreign hospital with the peace-of-mind that you are not going back home without all your valuable functioning organs. Choosing your travel accident insurance may at first seem a trivial matter but you can ensure if anything untoward is going to happen, it will happen when you are on vacation in another country and where you will need extensive cover the most.


Sunday, September 6, 2009

travel accident insurance

A travel accident insurance is similar to health and life coverage policies. These policies provide coverage for injuries or death that occurs due to an accident while traveling. However, the benefits covered under a travel an insurance policy vary from provider to provider based on the travel destination. In general, there are a variety of benefits that could be gained from a travel insurance policy. There are several types of coverage that are generally available:

Accidental Death (AD): Check whether your travel accident insurance plan includes the accidental death benefits. By this, the beneficiary could get the benefit if the insured person dies due to a qualified accident while traveling.

Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D): Similar to AD, this clause covers the full benefit upon the death of the insured person; it will also pay a fractional amount of the principal sum to the insured in case of an accidental dismemberment.

Sudden Cardiac Arrest: In addition to the benefits of AD&D, some travel accident insurance also covers sudden cardiac arrests that are caused while traveling. However, it requires clear medical records from your end.

Medical Evacuation: Imagine you are traveling to some remote place which doesn't have enough medical facilities. If you suddenly become sick or injured, a medical evacuation benefit allows you to be transported to a place where you will get immediate or appropriate medical care.

Repatriation of Remains: If suddenly the insured person dies overseas, while in travel, this benefit covers the expense of having their remains sent back to the home country.

Emergency Reunion: This benefit covers the expense of having a family member brought along on a medical evacuation for the sake of the insured.

Lost Baggage: While in travel, if you lose your checked baggage due to theft or misdirection, this benefit pays for a fixed amount towards replacement of the same.

Choosing travel accident insurances

  • Bundled Policy: Check whether your travel accident insurance comes with family travel benefits, global medical insurance and trip cancellation/interruption insurance.

  • Ensure whether your insurance plan covers accidental death in vehicles, flight crashes or loss organs in case of any calamity.

Apart from the above there are other things like deductibles, co-insurance, benefit period etc which need to be studied carefully before purchasing a travel accident insurance. There are many ways to buy insurance, though online purchase is most preferred due its low cost. This reduces your cost for the agent.

Remember, almost all insurance plans have an exclusive clause. Hence it becomes vital on your part to read the fine print before taking up any insurance. For instance, none of the insurance provides accidental coverage in case of drunken driving and driving under the influence of narcotic substances. As well, none of the insurance provides benefits for accidents during risky sports like bungee jumping, car racing, scuba diving, water rafting, skiing, bike racing and mountaineering while in your travel.


about holiday travel insurance

Holidaying abroad or holidaying in your country always involves risks, and these need to be insured on the very first preference. And if you are traveling with your beloved family, risks also multiply to a great extent. Vacations are a complete fun and enjoying them to the hilt requires something extra than just packing things together.

Holiday travel insurance plans are the sumptuous ways of making your holidays safe.

Now you don’t have to worry at all about any untoward incident happening with you. Insured under the right kind of travel insurance policy package, neither you and nor your family need to be worried.

You can go to mountain expedition, or plan your holidays through the jungles, everything seems to be great and going when you got yourself insured under the Holiday travel insurance policy plan. And if traveling is a part of your job, you can avail annual multi trip insurance cover for a period of 60 days or 90 days respectively.

Such types of Holiday travel insurance cover let’s the traveler to extend its trip to 60 days or 90 days very easily, without going through any kind of hassle. There are different insurance companies that offer different travel insurance policies covering different kinds of risks and shortcomings.

Your travel insurance policies insures you against any kind of un called for situations such as rescue and repatriation, luggage theft, personal liability, medical emergency, lost of travel documents etc. With plenty of travel insurance companies venturing into this kind of special insurance programs, traveling has become easy and safe for all.

To know about the best online travel insurance deals, it’d be a great idea to compare the insurance quotes offered by different travel insurance companies. Go for the cheap and best travel insurance deal, abd have a thrilling trip to the destination of your choice.


Best Travel Insurance

Traveling can be a fun only if you have preplanned it. Remember, you have to take care of the imminent travel risks. Best travel insurance plans cover your travel completely so that you enjoy every moment of your travel trip.

It can give you sumptuous ways to make your travel safe and sound, as you are completely covered one or the other type of insurance policy.

Whether you are going on a routine business trip, or planning an adventure safari, or taking sports trip, you need to plan your travel. You need to plan your travels in advance, giving prime consideration to the insurance aspects.

This can be done, if you have thought seriously to adhere to some of the best travel insurance policy schemes. Such insurance policies either charge less or don’t charge at all on the insurance commissions. Besides, you have a customized offer designed that suit your travel needs in more than one-way. An ideal travel insurance policy should cover all of the necessary travel risks involved.

These include, Pre-existing medical condition, Medical emergency, Loss of cash, or valuables, Loss of baggage etc. Different travel insurance companies provide different kinds of travel insurance plans.

However, it is not likely that every travel insurance plan get along with your travel needs. Therefore, while you go for Best travel insurance policy, it is important that you go through the guidelines, terms and conditions delineated out there.

There are separate travel insurance plans for the students, backpackers and adventure seekers. Lastly, Best travel insurance offers you variable discounts on the insurance policies.

It is always considered better to look for the amount of discount available on the travel insurance policy. It’d be simply great if you compare the discounts offered under different travel insurance policies and then decide for the best one for you.


Before buying health insurance

Buying health insurance may be a confusing task, but before doing that you need to consider the five most important points as below. This way you can get the best deal by picking a policy that’s right for you:

Rate your Best Health Insurance Company:

Ask your agent for the Company’s A.M. Best rating. If the company is rated high enough in the national rating registry showing it’s rating history. Choose only companies that have an A or A+ rating.

Verify Health Insurance Company’s Record of any Complaint:

Most of the large companies might have some unresolved complaints. Avoid companies that have a high number of unresolved complaints. Ask your agent for the phone numbers of your State Board of Insurance. If he fails to give it to you, take this as a warning signal. You can also look out for numbers in any directory of your state’s agencies. Always verify what your agent says by asking your State Board of Insurance for the record on any insurance company you are considering.

Aware of the Limits Shown On Your Individual Health Insurance Quotes:

Check your quote to see if you are comfortable with the payable premium and benefit levels. You can usually adjust with several levels to fit your needs and budget. For instance, a higher deductible will cost less each month. Even many plans give you a choice to split your medical bills with the Insurance Company either 50/50 or 80/20 Thus they will give an amount (exceeding your deductibles) by paying you 100% of your covered bills for the remainder of the year. Such a deductible means that you will be responsible for bills up to that deductible for each accident or illness. Make sure you are aware of this distinction, so you can choose a plan that’s right for you.

Limits Revealed Within The Policy:

Ask your agent for a sample policy, and then check out the two sections-The Benefits and The Limitations and Exclusions. Many of your benefits are actually limited in the Benefits section. For example, diagnostic testing or outpatient treatment may be limited.

Unfortunately if you contract a critical illness such as cancer, and you never go into the hospital for it. You could rack up thousands of dollars in medical bills for the diagnostic and follow-up lab tests and MRIs, or you may have surgery, chemo, or radiation therapy on an outpatient basis.

Many policies may put a limitation on your hospital room rent and intensive care rate. Your hospital room rent should at least be the average semi-private and intensive care benefit should not be tied to your room rent, but instead, it should be covered as an average ICU rate of the hospital. Some policies limit the ICU benefit to 3 times the regular room rate, when ICU can cost you 10 or 20 times the room rate each day.

A short hospital stay with a limit like this in your policy can cost you literally thousands of bucks where a long hospital stay could drive you into bankruptcy. Even if your policy says, it takes over at 100% beyond $5,000 of covered medical bills, and the policy only pays three times the room rent for ICU, then the rest of the ICU bill is considered an “uncovered” charge.

Look Out for Acceptable Types of Limits:

Be sure to check the Pre-Existing Conditions Limitation if you already have any medical conditions, and ask your agent if the company excludes your conditions permanently on your policy. Some policies include pre-existing conditions after a stipulated period of renewals.

Pay your Best Health Insurance Company & Follow Up

And lastly, after issuing check to your insurer, make sure it has received and you’ve got the stamped policy. And don’t forget to check the exact Schedule of Benefits and coverage you’re going to get at par with your order. You also need to check if any special amendments were added to your policy to specifically exclude any of your conditions. If an Amendment exists, these conditions will always be excluded from this policy, even after the Pre-Existing Conditions Limitation expires.

Following these five tips will help you choose a low cost medical insurance policy which will protect you from catastrophic medical bills. So, be sure to take the time to choose wisely when it comes to your health insurance


Travel Accident Insurance Cover For Risks During Travel

Travel is one of the most favourite pastimes of people all around the world. People visit foreign countries on tour more often now than before. The vastly improved transportation and communication system has shrunk the globe, and travel has become cheaper. However, while on you are travelling, you are mostly on your own. It is therefore prudent to have some coverage ready that would provide you with necessary financial cover while you are abroad. This cover can be provided by travel accident insurance.

Experienced travellers will tell you that, any travel is always full of uncertainties. That does not mean that you should shelve all plans for travel and sit idly at home. However, you must remain prepared for any unforeseen exigencies. Travel accident insurance is the cover you require for any uneventful happenings while you are on travel.

The principles underlying a travel insurance is simple. The insured person pays a monthly, quarterly, or yearly premium towards the policy that he has taken out. The provider bears the cost of treatment and other correlated issues in the eventuality of an accident. This provides you with the necessary preparedness and support to meet the unforeseen eventualities. In cases where the policy covers supplementary benefits, the insured person also receives coverage for reliefs against earning losses due to permanent or temporary disablement.

Numerous travel accident insurance policies are available all around. They differ in terms and conditions, benefits offered, and coverage to some extent. However, most of them have certain common objectives. Such common benefits provided by the travel insurance companies are: -

„" Coverage for medical costs incurred during travel due to accident. „" Coverage for accidents caused by natural reasons like earthquake, storms, tsunami, cyclones, flood etc or accidents caused by human driven reasons like vehicle, house collapse, or such other things. „" Coverage for accidental loss of baggage or valuables. „" Coverage for disability compensation. „" Coverage for financial losses.

Most travel insurance companies will come up with a comprehensive list of advices on your greatest risks during travel. However, the type of risks you run depends on the location, type of life style, and holiday pursuits you are enjoying. Most people who are not prone to taking risks, while on travel, may not require much more than the basic travel accident insurance coverage.

Broadly, there are two types of travel accident insurance plan coverage. The first one is the accidental death benefit. The benefit is paid to your chosen beneficiary. They are normally paid as a lump sum. The second one is the accidental dismemberment benefit. The plan provides 100% of benefit amount for loss of both limbs like both eye or both hands etc. Loss here will mean complete and irrecoverable loss.

When you elect family coverage insurance plan, and in the event of your accidental death, coverage for your surviving family members will continue for 90 days from the last premium paid by you. A dependent child in the 12th grade will also be eligible for such benefits. Additionally, around 3% of your coverage amount can be provided for day care of children below 7 years.

A travel accident insurance will not only safeguard you against exigencies, but will also provide you necessary financial cover at the time of need.


Car Accident Insurance - Make Sure You Are Covered

Car accidents have become a common feature today. Every day, as you open the newspaper, you come across at least a few incidences of car accidents around the globe. Car accident insurance covers you against these exigencies. A car accident insurance is your safety measure against these pressing situations.

While car accident insurances have become mandatory for car owners in many countries, people are also coming up voluntarily to take out such insurance policies. However, at times, the customers find dealing with the provider companies for claim settlements a bit tricky. It would be interesting to know about a few basic steps that would enable you to choose the exact way of dealing with your insurance company.

There could be third party involvement in a car accident. You must be covered with a third part clause in the car insurance that you have taken out. At the first opportune moment, you must contact your insurance company or agent immediately after the accident. If you do not, you may be liable to lose your claim. You should also, very carefully, read the terms and conditions laid down in your policy. It will help you determine the process of claiming your entitled benefits. You should always carry your accident insurance policy in the glove compartment of your car. You should also stay at the scene of the accident till the police arrive, and try and keep a track of the officers who investigated the incident.

You must try to get as much detail information about the accident as possible. Pictures taken of the damaged vehicles and injuries sustained by people, will substantially help your claim settlement. You should also keep detailed note about other people covered by other insurances.

Witnesses come up very handy at the time of claim settlement. It is for this reason you should try to take up names and addresses of such persons. As far as practicable, all conversations with the company authorities or agent should be recorded in writing. You will need to maintain a log of the bills of expenses incurred by you for the repair of the vehicle, and health care of affected people and yourself.

Never try to make any fraudulent claims. They will be discovered and you will be deprived of your genuine claims too. If you have multiple insurance policies find out which one provides the best coverage.

You must not admit any kind of liability till they are established beyond all reasonable doubts after thorough investigations by the police and the insurance company. You should not provide anything in writing about the parts of your claim, or insurance terms that you do not understand. You should not disregard any time limit set by your insurance provider in your policy. In settlement of your claim, the version of your agent or the adjuster is not final. If you are not satisfied, you should move higher up in the channel and talk to authorities directly. You must be careful not to sign a document of release or waiver. You should not accept any cheque payment as full and final payment till you consider being a fair deal.

There are numerous car accident insurance policies that you will come across either in person or while surfing the net. Whatever policy you adopt, you will find the above points quite useful for guiding you in taking out an accident insurance policy.


A Personal Accident Insurance Policy Covers You Against Accidental Death

Despite our best efforts to prevent them, accidents do occur every now and then. Accidental death or injuries involve substantial expenses towards post death arrangements or health care treatments. More often than not the victims find it quite difficult to meet such huge expenses with their limited resources. Accident Insurance Policy is the tool that enables them to handle such situations effectively.

A personal accident insurance policy covers you against an accidental death. It also covers you against the permanent partial disablement and permanent total disablement that can be the unfortunate consequence of an accident.

Ordinarily, such personal accident schemes are standardised. For example an accident insurance policy would provide a cover for a sum of £100,000 in case of death and permanent total disablement, and will also provide you with financial relief in case of partial total disablement. You can also be protected against loss of income, due to the injuries that you have sustained during the accident. Your mortgage liabilities may also be protected.

Compensation is paid to the nominee of the insured person in case of death by accident, or to the insured person himself in case of permanent total or partial injury. There are also certain standard eligibility criteria for accident insurance policies, and ordinarily, a beneficiary should be within the age group of 18-70 years in order to take out such a policy.

An accident insurance policy is annually or periodically renewable. The major benefits in taking out an accident insurance policy would be the cover that you get for the huge expenses that you would be incurring while being at the hospital, and for the specific treatment that you would need for your injuries. Depending upon the cover that you have taken out, your accident insurance would cover the expenses for the treatment of dislocations, fractures, eye injuries, broken teeth, paralysis, burns, lacerations, concussions, and others, and pay for the transportation cost of the ambulance as well. The policy would also cover your treatment expenses in an ICU, if that is required. Your accident insurance policy will also bear the expenses for your post trauma treatment.

Meeting with an accident, may put you permanently out of work. Your earnings would stop, and yet you would need to maintain your family. In actual circumstances, when we are having a good going, we never consider such events in our lives, where the worse thing can happen to us. Being disabled is worse than death, and it should be the priority for any individual to note that, when taking out an accident insurance policy. At the same time, such a policy is needed to protect the very survival of your family, if you should meet with a fatal accident. To apply for an accident insurance policy you will require filling out a form issued by the provider company. You may have to furnish the following information for the purpose -

Your name, address, and company name and telephone number, date of birth and other details about you. Date of employment. Your national insurance number or such other identification numbers as applicable. The estimated income you derive from all sources including your job and business.

In taking out an accident insurance policy, you may also opt for filling up such forms online and make your premium payments over the net.

After the policy is taken out, you will be served with a premium notice by the provider company. There is ordinarily a minimum premium payable, which depends upon the kind of coverage that you have sought, while taking out your accident policy.
